Contractor Prequalification Request
Use this form to send an invitation to a contractor to allow them to complete a pre-qualification process. The contractor will receive an email that explains the requirements of this pre-qualification process along with a secure link that allows them to register their details into the Contractor Management System.
Example of the email that this contractor will receive
Dear Example Contractor,
Congratulations on being selected to provide services to Demo Company.
As you are no doubt aware, all businesses are required to have documented and implemented safe systems of work as a mandatory statutory requirement of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Demo Company has implemented the Vinesafe Safety Management System as part of its commitment to Work Health & Safety (WHS). In line with this commitment, Demo Company has appointed Vinesafe as its specialist contractor manager to review, manage and monitor their contractors’ safety responsibilities.
In this role, Vinesafe will perform a review of your current WHS Management documentation and assess your prequalification status in order to confirm compliance with WHS legislation.
The process entails a few simple steps:
- Entering business details, eg Trade Licences etc;
- Entering insurances details, eg Worker’s Compensation Insurance, Accident & Sickness Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, and/or Professional Indemnity Insurance (where applicable);
- Answering a few simple questions and supplying appropriate documents.
Once you or your business has been assessed as prequalified, you and your employees will be required to complete a short online WHS induction before commencing or continuing any on-site work for Demo Company.
To begin: Please click on the following link to proceed: Secure-Link
Note: If you have any concerns regarding this email, please feel free to contact Demo Company or call Vinesafe on 1300 616 797.
Vinesafe will be contacting you shortly after this process in order to commence a review/audit of your WHS system. This review includes measurement against AS4801:2001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, in addition to checking for compliance with current WHS/OHS legislation. The WHS Management Documentation review is designed to achieve the following:
- Maintain and improve safety standards across Demo Company
- Ensure Demo Company meets its statutory obligations with regard to managing the safety of its contactors in accordance with WHS/OHS legislation
- Provide evidence of conformance to WHS legislation to principle stakeholders
The review of the Contractor’s WHS Management Documentation may incur a $90.00 fee (including GST). Payment may be made via Paypal, cheques, cash, or direct EFT.
Vinesafe on behalf of Demo Company